Three Words Podcast
A bite-sized podcast about choices.
Sometimes Shop Local
Should we feel bad about drinking Starbucks if the coffee shops in our own community just aren’t that good? This week, Dr. Michael Brown and local business owner Ben Vollmar engage in a nuanced and surprising conversation that will inspire consumers and business leaders alike.
Start A Business
Every human being has immeasurable value, so we each have the power to create something that brings value to others as well. This week, Ben Vollmar, founder of Flatlands Coffee, joins Dr. Michael Brown, founder of DMB Coaching, in a conversation about finances, flexibility, and having faith in ourselves and others.
Quitting Is Okay
Not every movie is worth finishing, and not everything we start is worth continuing. This week, college dropout turned entrepreneur Ben Vollmar joins Dr. Michael Brown in a conversation about values, commitments, and mindset.