Three Words Podcast
A bite-sized podcast about choices.
Practice Family Rhythms
We have the power to choose the qualities and characteristics that our families embody. This week, Dr. Michael Brown (father of nine) and Sammy Adebiyi (father of five) introduce us to a compelling practice that could change the trajectory of our family lives.
Be Fully Present (EC #1)
We have all averted our eyes from the person in front of us to sneak a glance at more interesting or exciting individuals on the other side of the room. This week, co-authors Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Beau Johnson are pleased to introduce us to the first book of their Essential Conversations series.
Advocate For Yourself
Our desires, preferences, and boundaries matter. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and senior life design coach David Denison encourage us to acknowledge the things that we want.
Draft Your Will
Whether it’s purchasing a life insurance policy or designating a power of attorney, many of the most important financial decisions we can make have significant relational impacts as well. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Teresa Brown remind us that leaving a legacy often requires some financial planning.
Raise Strong Kids
Every parent will wound their children in a variety of ways. This week, Dr. Michael Brown (father of 9) and Dr. Beau Johnson (father of 5) encourage us to prioritize effective parenting over protective parenting.
Play To Win
Why are we tempted to live such mediocre lives? This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Beau Johnson encourage us to take the risks that matter most.
Think Big Picture
We can’t see a work of art clearly when our nose is up against the canvas, but we need to step back to understand and appreciate it more fully. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Dan Costello encourage us to look beyond ourselves and begin with the end in mind.
Rejection Is Normal
Wouldn’t life be so much easier if our batting averages were always 100%? This week, Dr. Michael Brown and wedding photographer Jenna Greenawalt give us a framework for responding to failure, disappointment, and being told No.
Foster A Child
Most of us spend our lives running away from hard things. But what if we intentionally turned around to run toward something that is equal parts difficult and worthwhile? This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Beau Johnson reflect on their journeys as foster parents of a collective twenty-eight children over the past twenty years.
Just For Today
One of the most persistent and pressing questions that plagues us is, “What if I don’t have what it takes?” This week, Dr. Michael Brown joins faith-based speaker and author Barb Roose as she encourages us to muster up only enough strength, courage, and discipline for this very moment in time.
Rethink Social Media
In order to experience the radical changes we desire, we may actually need to make some radical choices. This week, Dr. Michael Brown explores what inspired web developer Greg Jenkins to trade in his smart phone and challenges everyone to do the same.
Balance Is Impossible
We may be able to do it all, but we certainly can’t do it all today. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Beau Johnson look toward a 2024 where we can be healthier and more alive.