Episode #200 Build Your Brand
Who we are when nobody’s watching is who we really are. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and content creator Finn Hogan celebrate the 200th episode of Three Words with a conversation about consistency and authenticity.
Show Notes
My big goal for 2025 is to branch out and show more of me. I want my listeners and followers to connect more with my voice.Finn Hogan
Five Problems
- We tend to focus too much on branding and too little on behaving and becoming.
- Not every brand that goes viral has the foundation to remain sustainable.
- Brands are rarely built overnight, but they require patient and persistent effort.
- Social media may cultivate simultaneous feelings of insecurity and entitlement.
- We often want what others have without doing the work required to achieve it.
Five Principles
- Our brand is defined by so much more than what we post on social media.
- The best strategy to be perceived a certain way is to actually become that way.
- The purpose of building a brand is not to make money but to make a difference.
- Our profession can be our passion without being our person.
- We are the accumulation of what we continually do.
Three Ponderings
- What makes me unique?
- What do I stand for?
- What value do I bring?
Three Practices
- Identify the people and organizations whose brands you wish to embody.
- Ensure that your public persona is a reflection of your private reality.
- Audit whether the things you post online are consistent with your core values.
In This Episode
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