Three Words Podcast
A bite-sized podcast about choices.
Advocate For Yourself
Our desires, preferences, and boundaries matter. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and senior life design coach David Denison encourage us to acknowledge the things that we want.
Play To Win
Why are we tempted to live such mediocre lives? This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Beau Johnson encourage us to take the risks that matter most.
Think Big Picture
We can’t see a work of art clearly when our nose is up against the canvas, but we need to step back to understand and appreciate it more fully. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Dan Costello encourage us to look beyond ourselves and begin with the end in mind.
Rejection Is Normal
Wouldn’t life be so much easier if our batting averages were always 100%? This week, Dr. Michael Brown and wedding photographer Jenna Greenawalt give us a framework for responding to failure, disappointment, and being told No.
Finish Your Degree
Pursuing a college degree may not be for everyone, but finishing what we start is one of the most essential ingredients of success. This week, first-generation college student Dr. Michael Brown shares the studio with professional saxophonist Mike Williams in a conversation about grit, gumption, and going the distance.
Balance Is Impossible
We may be able to do it all, but we certainly can’t do it all today. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Beau Johnson look toward a 2024 where we can be healthier and more alive.
Act Your Age
The most important part of growing up is the growing. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and 19-year-old sophomore business major Jason Poleski encourage us to maximize our lives through every season.
Be Completely Honest
Something powerful and freeing happens when we have the courage to tell the truth. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Bahamian basketball player and coach Lourawls “Tum Tum” Nairn explore the spiritual, relational, and physical benefits to saying what we really feel.
Ask The Question
Why is my boss so evasive and confusing? Why are my employees so clueless and unproductive? This week, Dr. Michael Brown and recently hired COO Nick Gillispie offer a helpful communication strategy for young professionals and leaders alike.
Live For Weekdays
How often do we dread our Mondays and Tuesdays, coast through Wednesdays and Thursdays, and later regret our Fridays through Sundays? This week, Dr. Michael Brown and first time Three Words guest Che Walters encourage us to make the most of each and every day.
People Aren't Interruptions
It is tempting to believe the lie that busyness is best and our to-do list is paramount. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and automotive executive Dan Costello remind us what matters most and inspire us to turn our attention to others.
Try Something New
Although seasons pass and years change, many of us are perpetually bored by our day-to-day lives. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Tyler Schwanz inspire us to demonstrate the courage to keep things fresh until we breathe our last breath.