Episode #152 Embrace Your Season
As this winter comes to a close, we are reminded that every season is a new opportunity to become fully alive. This week, Dr. Michael Brown is joined by business owner and grandmother Kathy Wilhelm as they explore an essential framework for living life well.
Show Notes
I’m in a sweet spot right here in life where I can give so much to others.Kathy Wilhelm
Three Problems
- So many people in the final season of life are still stuck in the first season because they haven’t answered the question, “Who am I?”
- We often squander the final decades of our lives rather than making the most of them.
- If we spend too long in our comfort zone, we will become uncomfortable.
Six Principles
- The average American has 6-8 jobs between the ages of 20 and 40, so we don’t need to rush the decisions about career and calling.
- Each season of life builds upon the season that precedes it.
- Our lives shouldn’t peak at the same moment as our careers, but we can continue to become the best version of ourselves until we breathe our last breath.
- When we embrace our current season, we empower ourselves to be fully present wherever we are.
- It’s never too late to answer the questions, “Why am I here? Where did I come from? And where am I going?”
- If we keep our eyes on our north star, we will inevitably arrive exactly where we are meant to be at the end of our lives.
The Four Seasons of Life
- Identity: the first 20 years of life devoted to understanding ourselves
- Investigation: the next 20 years of life devoted to finding our calling
- Influence: the subsequent 20 years of life devoted to living our purpose
- Investment: the remaining 20+ years of life devoted to leaving our legacy
Three Practices
- If you discover that you’ve failed to achieve the purpose of a previous season, spend the next year stepping back in order to pave the path for the season ahead.
- Acknowledge and accept the season you are in today instead of allowing yourself to ponder the past or to be preoccupied with the future.
- Each time you enter a new decade, consider, “What is the next mountain I can climb?”
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