Episode #67 Is Crisis Inevitable?
If there is anything we can all agree on, it is that we live in a world full of conflict and chaos. This week, Dr. Michael Brown is joined by historian, philosopher, and thought leader Steve Rieske in the first episode of a three-part series called Country in Crisis.
Show Notes
I struggled greatly with my vote because the implications are massive in every direction, but I also don’t begrudge anyone.Steve Rieske
One Perspective
- Crisis is inevitable, and it will continue to emerge intermittently throughout our lives.
Three Problems
- We primarily interact with those holding similar worldviews and rarely interact with those holding different worldviews.
- Education alone is insufficient to eliminate all conflict in our society.
- We often sacrifice community in the pursuit of safety and security, and this paradoxically makes us less safe and less secure.
Three Principles
- We live in a pluralistic world, and there are many worldviews and perspectives coexisting simultaneously.
- The current crises in our world may feel unique, but they are not new.
- There are thoughtful, kind, and amazing people all across the political spectrum.
Three Practices
- Explore the negative unforeseen consequences of social media by watching the Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma.
- Whenever you cast a vote, consider not only what is best for you but what may be best for everyone.
- When political conflict feels overwhelming, identify other social structures and institutions that can support you.
Three Ponderings
- How do we experience the good life?
- How do we create a society where everyone has equal access to the good life?
- How do we become the kind of people who create that society?
In This Episode
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