Three Words Podcast
A bite-sized podcast about choices.
Laugh Out Loud
We have all burst into laughter unintentionally, but how many of us have made the intentional decision to find the humor in our everyday lives? This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Casey Greenawalt have a surprising conversation about grief, gossip, and having a good time.
Be More Competitive
We are all competitive about something, but are we most competitive where it matters most? This week, Dr. Michael Brown and pastor Sammy Adebiyi inspire us to out-give, out-serve, and out-love the people in our lives.
Take An Adventure
Boredom is a choice, and we have the power to choose differently. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and thrill-seeker Greg Dickerson encourage us to be curious, take risks, and have fun.
Tackle Difficult Conversations
Conflict is not a threat to intimacy but the pathway to it. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and pastor Sammy Adebiyi offer the encouragement we desperately need to take the next step forward in relationship with others.
Be Fully Present (EC #1)
We have all averted our eyes from the person in front of us to sneak a glance at more interesting or exciting individuals on the other side of the room. This week, co-authors Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Beau Johnson are pleased to introduce us to the first book of their Essential Conversations series.
Raise Strong Kids
Every parent will wound their children in a variety of ways. This week, Dr. Michael Brown (father of 9) and Dr. Beau Johnson (father of 5) encourage us to prioritize effective parenting over protective parenting.
Give Yourself Grace
Do you feel like a failure? Do you struggle to look yourself in the eye when standing in front of a mirror? This week, Dr. Michael Brown joins author and speaker Barb Roose in a conversation about being kind to ourselves.
Become A Runner
Have you ever heard someone say, “Running just isn’t for me” – or said it yourself? This week, Are We Recording? podcast hosts Jenna Greenawalt and Dea Kukeli have a thoughtful conversation about confidence, belonging, and loving our bodies.
Foster A Child
Most of us spend our lives running away from hard things. But what if we intentionally turned around to run toward something that is equal parts difficult and worthwhile? This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Beau Johnson reflect on their journeys as foster parents of a collective twenty-eight children over the past twenty years.
Rethink Social Media
In order to experience the radical changes we desire, we may actually need to make some radical choices. This week, Dr. Michael Brown explores what inspired web developer Greg Jenkins to trade in his smart phone and challenges everyone to do the same.
Act Your Age
The most important part of growing up is the growing. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and 19-year-old sophomore business major Jason Poleski encourage us to maximize our lives through every season.
Be Completely Honest
Something powerful and freeing happens when we have the courage to tell the truth. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Bahamian basketball player and coach Lourawls “Tum Tum” Nairn explore the spiritual, relational, and physical benefits to saying what we really feel.