Episode #70 Get The Vaccine
The COVID-19 vaccine is remarkably safe, incredibly effective, and it gives us hope for the future. In this week’s important and informative episode, Dr. Michael Brown engages in a timely conversation with soon-to-be Dr. Justin Brown about the primary reason this pandemic will soon come to an end.
Show Notes
As I stood in line, I felt like I was beaming. I was so excited. The moment I had the needle in my arm, I started crying. I’m even feeling emotional talking about it. And it wasn’t because there was pain but because there was relief.Dr. Justin Brown
Seven Problems
- Although in varying degrees, it is undeniable that every single human being has been impacted by COVID-19.
- At the time of this recording, over 100 million people worldwide have been infected by COVID-19, and at least 2 million have died as a result.
- As many of 15% of individuals infected with COVID-19 require hospitalization, as many as 5% of individuals require transfer to an intensive care unit, and as many as 2% die.
- Many people who recover from COVID-19 have persistent and life-altering symptoms, even among young and previously healthy individuals.
- We often confuse an attitude of distrust for a devotion to critical thinking.
- Medical professionals in the United States have historically provided lower quality care to patients of color, and inequities in health delivery and outcomes still exist today.
- Conspiracy theories may develop when we misunderstand evidence or make inaccurate assumptions about the quality of evidence.
Twelve Principles
- The COVID-19 pandemic is not forever, and in fact, it is coming to a close.
- Widespread vaccination has eradicated diseases that were previously prevalent across the world.
- The COVID-19 vaccine is one of the most effective vaccines ever developed.
- The vast majority of individuals who receive the COVID-19 vaccine have minor side effects like a sore arm, achiness, tiredness, or a fever.
- We are about 1000 times more likely to die from a COVID-19 infection than we are to have a severe allergic reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine.
- Although the long-term effects of the COVID-19 vaccine have not been fully evaluated, these sorts of effects are incredibly rare with vaccines of any kind due to the way that vaccines work.
- There is no evidence to support any negative impact of the COVID-19 vaccine on fertility.
- The COVID-19 vaccine was developed so quickly not because corners were cut but because red tape was cut.
- The mechanism of the COVID-19 vaccine is new but not unknown, as research surrounding mRNA vaccines have been ongoing for over a decade.
- The COVID-19 vaccine does not contain any amount of the COVID-19 virus.
- The development of an immune response to vaccine components is far more natural than artificial.
- There is some emerging evidence that both the Pfizer and Moderna formulations of the COVID-19 vaccine may lessen disease severity, prevent asymptomatic infection, and even possibly reduce COVID-19 transmission.
Seven Reasons We Distrust Science
- Confusing terminology
- Changing recommendations
- Conflicting evidence
- Celebration of skepticism
- Conclusions reached
- Controlled by emotions
- Concerning realities
Five Vaccine Best-Practices
- Consider the personal benefits of trusting medical providers today, even if you have been hurt or neglected by medical providers in the past.
- Investigate strong evidence more closely than you investigate weak evidence.
- Even after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, continue to social distance and wear a mask around people outside of your household until official guidelines and evidence-based recommendations change.
- When you cannot confidently answer a question, defer until you have more evidence rather than making an uneducated guess.
- If you have any concerns or questions about whether you should receive the COVID-19 vaccine, talk to your doctor or other primary care provider.
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