Episode #79 Goals Are Dumb

When is the last time you’ve failed to accomplish a goal? Probably pretty recently. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Nick Gillispie encourage us to reframe the way we think about becoming the best versions of ourselves.

Show Notes

In that moment when he accomplished his lifelong dream, he also felt a deep sense of dissatisfaction because as part of pursuing that dream, he inadvertently neglected other important components of his life – relationships, people, his own spirituality.
Nick Gillispie

Three Problems

  • We are often so surprised to discover that we have never achieved a goal that we never planned to achieve.
  • Having goals may lead us to believe we are becoming the best versions of ourselves, even if we don’t actually accomplish any of them.
  • We tend to focus more on professional and financial goals than on emotional and relational goals.

Three Principles

  • Every single goal in our lives should be coupled with daily decisions.
  • Someday is not a day of the week, but today is.
  • There is so much more to life than merely the accomplishment of goals.

Three Practices

  • Ask yourself, “Are there any goals that I have today that I am doing nothing to accomplish?”
  • Evaluate whether your goals align with your deepest core values.
  • Share your goals with trusted friends so that they can keep you accountable to making the choices required to accomplish them, and invite them to pursue those goals alongside you.