Episode #40 Look Your Best

Do first impressions really make a difference? Should we spend our time worrying about our outward appearance? This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Casey Greenawalt discuss how in order to be your best, you need to look your best.

Show Notes

Putting a watch on makes me feel like I’m ready to go.
Casey Greenawalt

Three Problems

  • Because we live in a shallow world, it is possible that others will not be able to appreciate our strengths or emotional intelligence if they are unimpressed by our outward appearance.
  • Too little attention to how we look may be as harmful as too much attention to how we look.
  • A disorganized appearance may reflect a disorganized life.

Three Principles

  • We are more than the way we look, but our appearance is an important part of our identity.
  • We don’t always recall exactly what others were wearing when we met them, but we do remember our overall impression of them.
  • When we wear clothes that make us feel simultaneously comfortable and confident, we positively impact the way that others perceive us.

Three Practices

  • Reflect on the question, “Am I giving too much or too little attention to my outward appearance?”
  • Invest as much intentionality in the way you present yourself at work as you invested on the day of your interview.
  • Wear the same quality of clothes for Zoom meetings as you would wear for in-person meetings.