Episode #167 Plant A Seed

How many of us are familiar with both the pleasure and pain of tending a garden? This week, DMB coach and lifelong gardener Kathy Wilhelm joins Dr. Michael Brown to share insights and life lessons in an extended metaphor about growth.

Show Notes

I not only grow gardens, but I have grown a marriage of 39 years, I have grown 3 kids, I am helping to grow 4 grandkids, and I am also growing myself.
Kathy Wilhelm

Three Problems

  • Planting requires patience.
  • The plant that grows is often different from the seed we planted.
  • Sometimes we grow from pain, and other times we merely grow through it.

Five Principles

  • The best thing we can do for a hard-hearted person is to shower them in love.
  • We are more likely to help others grow when we ask fantastic questions than when we pile on our opinions.
  • Unlike in gardening, it is never too early nor too late to plant seeds in our relationships.
  • We are more likely to experience personal growth when we give ourselves permission to make mistakes, take risks, and ask questions.
  • Whereas a competitive environment can stunt our growth, a collaborative environment is fertile ground for positive change.

Three Practices

  • When you realize that your personal growth is not what you had hoped, commit to examining and adjusting your growth process.
  • Remind yourself each day that you are not only on your own journey, but you also have the potential to impact the many journeys around you.
  • Don’t allow yesterday’s discouraging harvest to stop you from planting new seeds today.