Episode #15 Never Give Up

Sometimes the only way to get to the finish line is to simply decide to keep going. Kathy Wilhelm joins Dr. Michael Brown as they share stories about holding on to people, passions, and goals when obstacles arise.

Show Notes

We dug down deep. We said, "we can do this." We made the shifts, and we became a new business.
Kathy Wilhelm

Three Problems

  • We are prone to give up on the people and passions that are most important to us.
  • Sometimes we give up without realizing that the finish line is just around the corner.
  • If we give up too soon, we will never know what blessings and successes we would have otherwise experienced.

Three Principles

  • Persistence to the end is the final ingredient of success.
  • Endurance is more energizing than it is draining.
  • Hitting pause and changing directions are not the same as giving up.

Three Practices

  • Verbally remind the people you love that you will never give up on them.
  • Make your passions a priority because they will motivate you in other areas of life.
  • Invite others to run alongside you in those moments when you consider calling it quits.