Episode #101 Make Dreams Happen
A dream is a wish your heart makes… or is it? This week, Dr. Michael Brown and aspiring cardiologist Russell Catania reimagine the cliché phrases that hold us back and suggest adopting a new inspirational quote.
Show Notes
I have a very, very active dream of being the cardiologist that is a far greater husband and father.Dr. Russell Catania
Three Problems
- The phrase “chase your dreams” implies that our dreams are running away from us and tricks us into believing that we are not in control of our own success.
- We will not wake up one day having become someone we have not been becoming.
- We tend to fantasize about our dreams more often than we fuel our dreams.
Three Principles
- We can never guarantee that our dreams are fulfilled, but we can always make choices that make the fulfillment of our dreams increasingly likely.
- We are all capable of accomplishing far more than our worst critic would lead us to believe.
- Pursuing our dreams is worthwhile even if they don’t play out exactly as we intend.
Five Practices
- Instead of waiting for that amazing opportunity to present itself to you, actually create that amazing opportunity for yourself.
- Ignore the advice of the dream-killers in your life.
- Next time you find yourself using the phrase “I hope” or “I wish,” identify a daily decision that would make the dream happen.
- Intentionally remove passive language from your vocabulary by replacing, for example, “Have a great day” with “Make it a great day.”
- When you realize that a dream is no longer attainable, consider what other dream you are closer to fulfilling as a result of pursuing the first dream.
In This Episode
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