Episode #45 Talk To Yourself
Each of us has a myriad of voices speaking into our lives, but we frequently forget about the most powerful one. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Amy Seiffert show us how to interrupt the dialogue that is happening in our own heads and begin to talk to ourselves like we would talk to our dearest friend.
Show Notes
We are running scripts in our minds every single day, often times unconsciously and without actually knowing that it’s happening.Dr. Michael Brown
Three Problems
- The conversations we have with ourselves are reshaping our identity even when we don’t realize it.
- We are more likely to believe lies about ourselves when we listen to ourselves than when we talk to ourselves.
- Our negative self-talk often becomes a self-fulling prophecy.
Three Principles
- The most important thing about us is what comes into our minds when we think about ourselves.
- When we are feeling nervous about the future, we can change our mindsets by instead telling ourselves, “I’m curious to see what is going to happen.”
- In order to remove the lies from our minds, it is essential that we replace each lie with truth.
Three Practices
- Look at yourself in the mirror each morning and remind yourself, “I am someone, I am special, I am significant, I am strong, I am spiritual, and I am secure.”
- When you are feeling most overwhelmed, talk to yourself about the things you are grateful for.
- Write on a piece of paper the lies you regularly believe, then cross them out and write down instead the truths you are trying to believe.
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