Three Words Podcast
A bite-sized podcast about choices.
Write A Book
We have so much in our hearts and minds to offer the world, if only we will take a leap of faith by putting pen to paper. This week, aspiring author Dr. Michael Brown sits with writing coach Amy Seiffert for a helpful dialogue about legacy, proactivity, and the willingness to lean into imperfection.
Practice A Sabbath
Is it possible that an ancient religious law could be the key to greater peace, purpose, and even productivity? This week, Amy Seiffert and Dr. Tyler Schwanz testify to the transformative power of taking an entire day off every single week.
Compassion Changes Everything
How do we respond to the fear and frustration at the intersection of the personal and political? Prompted by the Supreme Court’s draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Dr. Michael Brown and Amy Seiffert share how a commitment to compassion in the face of complexity can deepen our connection to others.
Your Story Matters
The immeasurable value of each human being is made clearer when we share our personal narratives and elevate the stories of others. This week, Amy Seiffert and Martha Chandran-Dickerson have an honest and nuanced conversation about history, empathy, and healing.
Worrying Solves Nothing
The scenarios that our minds play on repeat are not nearly as helpful as we may think. This week, Amy Seiffert and Barb Roose empathize with our anxieties and offer the encouragement that peace is possible.
Live With Less
What does it look like to live against the grain in a world that is focused on collecting more, more, and more? This week, Dr. Michael Brown and recovering people-pleaser Amy Seiffert discuss how reducing the clutter in our lives and hearts allows us to make room for whatever is most important.
Find Common Ground
There is polarization everywhere we look, and it’s hard to see a way out and a way forward. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Amy Seiffert wrestle with the practice that could heal our relationships and save our world.
Struggle Is Normal
Let’s be honest – life is hard. It’s always been hard, and it will always be hard. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and author Amy Seiffert share their approach to navigating the day-to-day difficulties of life.
Let Yourself Cry
Nothing requires such courage nor creates such clarity as a good cry. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and author Amy Seiffert give us permission to let our tears fall freely and encourage us to allow others to do the same.
Check Your Privilege
When Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was offered pastoral positions in two states – one in Michigan and one in Alabama – he chose the latter. He leveraged the benefits of his northern education and traded comfort for the Jim Crow South. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Amy Seiffert honor Dr. King’s legacy by exploring our responses to unequal opportunity.
Own Your Joy
Happiness comes and goes as our external circumstances ebb and flow, but joy can be present and cultivated even on those days where everything goes wrong. Join Dr. Michael Brown and Amy Seiffert as they describe what it looks like to choose to live a joyful life.
Talk To Yourself
Each of us has a myriad of voices speaking into our lives, but we frequently forget about the most powerful one. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Amy Seiffert show us how to interrupt the dialogue that is happening in our own heads and begin to talk to ourselves like we would talk to our dearest friend.