Episode #109 Break The Routine
Mondays don’t have to be mundane. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Casey Greenawalt revisit a frequent Three Words topic with fresh eyes.
Show Notes
You need to have a routine in order to break it.Casey Greenawalt
Three Problems
- We often lose sight of the ‘Why’ that inspires the ‘What’ of our day-to-day lives.
- Even our greatest successes can feel monotonous when we merely do the same thing over and over again.
- Some of the routines we have cultivated for years may not be as helpful as they once were.
Three Principles
- Routines should not be rules, and we have the power to disrupt our schedules whenever we see fit.
- A single week of a new routine may be all that we need to reinvigorate our traditional life rhythms.
- Life is too short to go through the motions.
Three Practices
- Experiment with your schedule by asking yourself, “How can I switch this up?”
- Schedule periods of margin into your week in order to accommodate unexpected opportunities and interruptions.
- Identify one scary change of routine that would take you one step closer toward achieving your most important goals.
In This Episode
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