Episode #160 Celebrate Others Often
This Memorial Day, we are reminded that we don’t need to wait for a national holiday to highlight the peace, protection, and purpose that others bring to our lives. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and clinical counselor Steve Rieske diagnose our tendency to celebrate others only occasionally and offer their insights for creating a lifestyle of affirmation and encouragement.
Show Notes
People actually have real feelings about their hometowns. And I had an instinct that I was supposed to make fun of it compared to mine.Steve Rieske
Five Problems
- Without intentionality, we often diminish rather than deepen our relationships.
- We don’t feel as good about ourselves when we make a habit of poking fun at others.
- If we reserve expressions of love for special occasions, the people around us will rarely be reminded of our love for them.
- Roasts are not nearly so transformative as toasts.
- Our society trains us to believe the lie that the bully is somehow the cool kid.
Three Principles
- When we make a practice of celebrating others’ identities, we become more content with our own identities.
- Celebrating others is not a personality trait but a skill we develop.
- The ability to recognize and acknowledge what we enjoy about others requires us first to be in touch with our emotions.
Three Practices
- Whenever you experience the temptation to turn the attention back to yourself, choose to do the opposite by offering an expression of encouragement or appreciation.
- Allow yourself to experience the joy that others bring into your life, and learn to acknowledge this joy each time you notice it.
- With every conversation you have this week, find a way to make the other person feel happier with who they are.
In This Episode
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