Episode #184 Cook From Scratch

We have heard that fast food isn’t healthy, but how often do we make an effort to minimize store-bought food as well? This week, chiropractor Dr. Tyler Schwanz invites Dr. Michael Brown to join his “sourdough era” and encourages us to eat both creatively and respectfully.

Show Notes

The fact that we have this category of food called ‘junk food,’ and then we also say, "We are what we eat…" Why would we create cells made of junk?
Dr. Tyler Schwanz

Three Problems

  • Many of the products labeled ‘Juice’ contain exactly 0% juice.
  • We often avoid foods (or food groups) simply because we didn’t like them as a child.
  • Convenient foods are more likely to be sold in plastic containers, so they are not only harmful to our bodies but also damaging to the Earth.

Five Principles

  • The more we know about our food, the healthier decisions we tend to make.
  • Just as we train ourselves to like the bitter taste of coffee or the strong taste of alcohol, we can train ourselves to enjoy healthy foods.
  • We may fall in love with even our least favorite foods if we learn to prepare them well.
  • Homemade foods may require more effort, but they are often substantially cheaper and of significantly higher quality.
  • Buying produce from farmers’ markets not only supports local business but also reduces carbon emissions by minimizing long-distance transport of foods.

Five Practices

  • As much as possible, eat whole foods composed of only a single ingredient.
  • Make a list of every healthy food you have previously disliked, and try each of them again over the next year.
  • Create homemade versions of your favorite salad dressings in order to avoid the unnecessary sugars, fats, and calories found in store-bought bottles.
  • Each time you purchase meat from a market, grocery store, or restaurant, remind yourself that this requires the loss of a life.
  • If you don’t know where to begin your journey of cooking from scratch, begin with bread.