Episode #99 Don't Die Wondering
The end of life is characterized by so many emotions, but perhaps the most devastating of these is regret. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Casey Greenawalt continue their ongoing conversation about becoming the best versions of themselves by considering how the reality of death should affect our lives.
Show Notes
I don’t want to get to the end of my life wondering, "Could I have been more connected to that human being?"Dr. Michael Brown
Three Problems
- Some of the most common regrets at the end of life are related to health, honesty, and human connection.
- We often fail to pursue our dreams because we are too concerned with what others will think about us.
- Our bucket lists are typically full of adventurous activities rather than meaningful moments.
Three Principles
- “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a less important question than “Who do you want to be when you die?”
- In a chaotic and changing world, the only thing we can ever control is who we are becoming.
- We shouldn’t wait until the end of our lives to begin thinking about who we want to be at the end of life.
Five Practices
- Carry a physical object with you each day to serve as a reminder that every moment matters, and tomorrow is never guaranteed.
- When weighing potential career options, begin with the question, “What do I want to be true of me?”
- Make a commitment to accomplish every bucket list item with the people you care about most.
- Cultivate friendships with people who are several years older than you in order to benefit from their wisdom and reflections.
- Consider the question, “What am I most at risk of regretting at the end of my life?” and change the trajectory of your choices to ensure this is not the case.
In This Episode
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