Episode #120 Figure It Out
It can be really challenging to move on when we’ve experienced pain, loss, and difficulty in life. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and small business owner DeAnte Shivers explore how to live with perseverance even in the midst of grief.
Show Notes
I would vent to my mom all the time. And she’d listen like, "Mmhmm, mmhmm, mmhmm. Boy, you’ll be okay." And that was always enough to keep me going.DeAnte Shivers
Three Problems
- Pain is an inevitable part of life, and struggle is essential to our stories.
- It is difficult to see ourselves clearly when we lack close connection to others.
- Black and brown individuals often face systemic barriers to their economic and professional growth.
Three Principles
- We can demonstrate strength even in the midst of sadness.
- Moments when we pause to reflect have the potential to accelerate our path forward.
- Every individual experiences grief on a unique timeline, and that is okay.
Three Practices
- Whenever you feel like giving up, remind yourself of the challenges you’ve already overcome.
- Surround yourself with people who will encourage you when you feel hopeless and strengthen you when you feel weakest.
- Experience the fullness of your emotions before trying to move past them.
In This Episode
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