Episode #77 Make A Mess
We can rarely make progress in achieving our goals if we are unwilling to embrace the messiness of imperfection. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Martha Chandran-Dickerson reflect upon beauty, growth, and an essential ingredient to experiencing both.
Show Notes
Messiness is a prerequisite to metamorphosis, which leads to magnificence.Dr. Michael Brown
Three Problems
- We often present ourselves publicly in a way that is staged, filtered, and cleaned up.
- When we limit others’ messiness, we may unintentionally impair their creative process.
- The pursuit of order often distracts us from the pursuit of excellence.
Three Principles
- Since life is messy for everyone, the sharing of our messiness with others cultivates connection.
- The messiness of life is evidence that we are growing, changing, and evolving.
- The journey is as exciting and formative as the destination.
Three Practices
- Commit to never turning down a fun activity simply because it would create a mess.
- Create a system of organization that works best for you even if it seems chaotic or confusing to others.
- Pause to appreciate the beauty and the significance of your work rather than exclusively focusing on the finished product.
In This Episode
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