Episode #176 Rethink Social Media
In order to experience the radical changes we desire, we may actually need to make some radical choices. This week, Dr. Michael Brown explores what inspired web developer Greg Jenkins to trade in his smart phone and challenges everyone to do the same.
Show Notes
I had treated my phone for so long as another appendage.Greg Jenkins
Eight Problems
- Just as those who work at McDonald’s swear they could never eat another McRib, digital media professionals often seek to distance themselves from technology.
- It can take weeks or even months of fasting in order to fully detox from our social media addiction.
- Our phone is not our friend, and our relationship with it is often distracting, unhealthy, and co-dependent.
- Even a single hour of scrolling per day equates to years of our lives.
- It is no wonder that rethinking social media is so difficult, as we are competing with hundreds of the smartest web developers in the world.
- Social media algorithms tend to elevate polarizing, shocking, and divisive content.
- We are all aware that we spend too much time on our phones, but this awareness rarely translates into lasting change.
- Half-choices can never produce the outcomes that full choices will.
Eight Principles
- We are designed to love a small group of people up close rather than several hundred people from a distance.
- The greatest gift we can give to others is our presence in this very moment in time.
- Scrolling doesn’t only affect this hour, but it affects the next hour as well.
- Most of the posts we see on social media will be forgotten by the end of the week.
- Anything worth reducing is worth eliminating.
- It takes 21 days to create a habit, and it takes 90 days to nurture a lifestyle.
- Leaving social media is costly, but staying on social media is costlier.
- Deeper connection with our friends, family, and community is well worth the sacrifice of our social media acquaintances.
Eight Practices
- Audit the space that social media occupies in your life.
- Schedule your scrolling time.
- Move any social media apps out of your friends or messaging folder and into your entertainment or finance folder.
- Consider, “What would it look like if my children never had the memory of my face lit up with the glow of a phone?”
- Allow the joy of missing out (JOMO) to surpass your fear of missing out (FOMO).
- Whenever you identify a bad habit that you’d like to reduce, consider the more radical option to walk away completely.
- Conduct a 90-day experiment by deleting all social media, and see how your life will change.
- Live a life so radically healthy that others say, “I could never do that.”
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