Episode #36 Pause To Breathe

Breathing. As we’ve seen in the wake of George Floyd’s tragic death more than a month ago, every single breath is a gift and should never be taken for granted. As you wake up each morning to a new day of pandemic realities, racial injustices, and economic challenges, consider leveraging each breath for a greater good. This week, Dr. Michael Brown and Amy Seiffert explore the art of breathing in a unique conversation that will enhance your personal well-being during turbulent times.

Show Notes

Even as we record this podcast, I am feeling more relaxed. Even as I listen to you and pause to breathe, I feel like all is well. And things are going to be OK. Pausing brings perspective.
Dr. Michael Brown

Three Problems

  • We often carry stress and tension in our bodies without realizing it.
  • It is difficult to interpret our thoughts and feelings if we do not first pause to consider those thoughts and feelings.
  • When we fail to pause and remind ourselves of what is most important in life, we tend to make choices that are hurtful rather than helpful.

Three Principles

  • Exhaling for one second longer than we inhale serves as a signal to our minds and bodies that we are safe.
  • The benefits of yoga are two-fold: the opportunity to strengthen our bodies and the opportunity to slow our breaths.
  • We can acknowledge how we are feeling without judging how we are feeling.

Three Practices

  • Set reminders in your phone that encourage you to pause throughout your day and take your emotional temperature.
  • Incorporate a daily palms-down, palms-up practice in order to release stress and receive peace.
  • When you are feeling frustrated with someone, pause to breathe before initiating a verbal response.