Episode #95 Start A Journal

Emotions and devotions, prayers and gratitude, food and fitness… the possibilities are endless! This week, Dr. Michael Brown and business executive Dan Costello contemplate their shared conviction that keeping a journal is for everyone.

Show Notes

Maybe seven or eight years ago I had a mentor who said, "Hey, you really need to think about journaling." And my first thought was, "Ugh, I don’t want to write about my feelings."
Dan Costello

Three Problems

  • We tend to sacrifice reflective exercises in seasons that require the most focus even though these very exercises could create greater clarity.
  • We often give up on a journaling practice after we skip even a single day.
  • We are at risk of forgetting our most transformative realizations and most powerful epiphanies if we fail to write them down.

Five Principles

  • Journaling can be helpful not only in the emotional dimension of life but in every other dimension as well.
  • There is no right way to journal nor an exact science to engage in reflective practices.
  • Every person’s journal should look different because every human being is unique.
  • A journal is not an end in itself but instead a means to an end.
  • Sometimes prayers can become more honest and more focused when they are written than when they are merely thought or spoken.

Five Practices

  • When you are struggling to make an important decision, put it into words and onto paper by creating a pros and cons list.
  • When it comes to the practice of journaling, demonstrate a willingness to break the rules you have set for yourself.
  • Conclude each journal entry by identifying a choice you can make in light of your reflections.
  • Revisit prior journal entries in order to evaluate your growth, your resolve, and your commitment to doing the things you said you would do.
  • Initiate the practice of keeping a gratitude journal by spending the first few minutes of each day writing down something you are grateful for.